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Tony's Bit

Software Development, Cloud Computing, Blockchain Technology and Finance.

Friendly Guide to deploying AWX (Upstream project to Ansible Tower)

ByTony Nguyen

Mar 11, 2019


AWX is a web-based task engine built on top of ansible. This guide will walk you through installing AWX on a fresh CentOS7 machine. In this guide Docker is used without Docker-compose and the bare-minimum options were selected to get the application up and running. Please refer to the official guide for more information or options.


Virtual Machine Specs

  • At least 4GB of memory
  • At least 2 cpu cores
  • At least 20GB of space
  • Centos7 Image


  1. Operating System
    • [ ] Update OS
    • [ ] Install Git
    • [ ] Clone AWX
    • [ ] Install Ansible
    • [ ] Install Docker
    • [ ] Install Docker-py
    • [ ] Install GNU Make
  2. Config File
    • [ ] Edit Postgres settings
  3. Build and Run
    • [ ] Start Docker
    • [ ] Run Installer
  4. Access AWX
    • [ ] Open up port 80
    • [ ] Enjoy

1. Operating System

All commands are assumed to be run as root.

If you are not already logged in as root, sudo before getting started

sudo su -

Update OS

  1. Make sure your ‘/etc/resolv.conf’ file can resolve dns. Example resolv.conf file

  2. Run

    yum update

    Note: If you are still unable to run a update you may need to clear your local cache.

    yum clean all && yum makecache

Install Git

  1. Install Git

    yum install git

Clone AWX

  1. Make a new directory and change to that directory

    cd /usr/local

  2. Clone the official git repository to the working directory

    git clone https://github.com/ansible/awx.git

    cd /usr/local/awx

Install Ansible

  1. Download and install ansible

    yum install ansible

    Unofficial Reference Documentation

Install Docker

  1. Download yum-utils

    sudo yum install -y yum-utils \
    device-mapper-persistent-data \
  2. Set up the repository

    sudo yum-config-manager \
    	--add-repo \
  3. Install the latest version of Docker CE

    sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

    Official Reference Documentation

Install Docker-py

  1. Enable the EPEL repository

    yum install epel-release

  2. Install PIP

    yum install python-pip

    Unofficial Reference Documentation

  3. Using pip install docker-py

    pip install docker-py

    Official Reference Documentation

Install GNU Make

  1. Make should already be included in the OS, this can be verified using

    make --version

    If it has not been installed you can run

    yum install make

2. Config File

Edit Postgres Settings

Note: We will persist the PostgresDB to a custom directory.

  1. Make the directory

    mkdir /etc/awx

    mkdir /etc/awx/db

  2. Edit the inventory file

    vi /usr/local/awx/installer/inventory

    Find the entry that says "#postgres_data_dir" and replace it with


    Save changes

    Note: As of 12/03/2019, there is a bug running with docker, to overcome the bug you need to find in the inventory "#pg_sslmode=require" and replace it with


3. Build

Start docker

  1. Start the docker service

    systemctl start docker

Run installer

  1. Change to the right path

    cd /usr/local/awx/installer/

  2. Run the installer

    ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

    Note: You can track progress by running

    docker logs -f awx_task

4. Access AWX

Open up port 80

  1. Check if firewalld is turned on, if it is not it is recommended

    To check:

    systemctl status firewalld

    To start:

    systemcl start firewalld

  2. Open up port 80

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

    firewall-cmd --reload


  1. You can now browse your host IP and access and enjoy "http://<your host ip>"!

    Note: Default username is "admin" and password is "password"